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Flawless Research Group

Revolutionizing film making

Our award-winning team is made up of the world’s most influential scientists and researchers. Their collective vision and expertise drives the whole company on a journey of relentless exploration, transforming theoretical ideas into real world solutions for a profound global impact.

Science Leadership Team

Our research team is comprised of industry pioneers who have contributed some of the most profound research in areas of neural rendering, human face digitization, video segmentation and applied machine learning.

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Prestigious collaborations

Flawless has also successfully developed an international collaborative network with a host of world class institutions including the Max Planck Institute, Brown University, Imperial College London, Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, University British Columbia and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

These partnerships allow Flawless to harness the brilliance of these esteemed academic establishments and tap into their vast intellectual resources.


Our AI Research Articles

A collection of
Flawless AI Research

Delve deeper into our research surrounding the use of generative AI in film making.

[Siggraph Asia'24] GaussianHeads End-to-End Learning of Drivable Gaussian Head Avatars from Coarse-to-fine Representations

[Kartik Teotia, Hyeongwoo Kim, Pablo Garrido, Marc Habermann, Mohamed Elgharib, Christian Theobalt]


Interested in joining the Flawless team?

Flawless brings together the world’s leading AI scientists, filmmakers, and technologists, all pioneers in their fields


The art is in the science

Gen-AI filmmaking is here. Start using the next generation of film making tools.